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Stress Management
Prenatal Nutrition Program
Expecting a baby is a wonderful time of women’s life. This new beginning comes with a great transformation to women’s body, mind and soul. To prepare for this new journey, one needs to be fit and healthy. During each trimester of your pregnancy you will experience different hormonal shifts. Eating to support you during this time can help keep your energy levels up and your cravings down.
This program will help you during each trimester to make sure that you are eating as healthy as you can, understanding your cravings and keeping morning sickness at a bay. My pregnancy plans is well balanced to meet the increased energy and protein, prevent excessive weight gain, control gestational diabetes and hypertension and correct deficiencies. In this program, I will be counseling on and options for prenatal exercise, help and support with processing fears, trauma, or other emotional distress surrounding pregnancy and addressing common pregnancy discomforts, like nausea, sleep issues, and body soreness.

Benefits Of Prenatal Nutrition Program
Lower complications during pregnancy like hypertension, diabetes, thyroid, etc
Following a healthy and nutritious diet leads to healthy growth and development of a baby
Find more comfort in pregnancy
Help and support with processing fears, trauma, or other emotional distress surrounding pregnancy, birth, and parenting
Stress Management
Counselling on and options for prenatal exercises
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